Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One By One

I'm learning that this journey is so individual, so personal that I'm having to rely more and more heavily on the spirit to discern my path. I know that my Heavenly Father knows me. Me. As an individual. His daughter.

I love the story in the Book of Mormon when the Savior comes to the Nephites and invites each person to come and feel his wounds one by one. There was an overall witness to the masses, certainly, upon his heavenly descent. But He wanted each of them to come to Him, feel His wounds and know that He suffered them for each of them.

There is no comparing myself to anyone in this experience. There is no progress to measure but my own. There is no sense in despairing over what has not yet occurred, only joy to be found in the steps I have traveled thus far - one by one.

Satan would have me believe that my progress must be measured externally, without any regard for my personal journey. He would distract me with arbitrary, unimportant, worldly- imposed landmarks of success and improvement, focusing only on how far I still have yet to travel. But God would have me recognize that true progress is measured by my proximity to the spirit. For when He is my guide, the pathway is sure, the progress is steady and success is spiritually marked.

This journey is mine alone. I need to move, facing forward, concerned more with direction than distance, taking each step daily, one by one.

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