Saturday, January 3, 2009

Will You Give It to Me?

"Will you give it to me?"

Silence. Hesitation. Trepidation. Reservation.

"Will you give it to me? It's my burden to carry. I've already carried it for you so you don't have to."

"How? How is that possible?"

"I've engraven you on the palms of my hands. I love you, more than you can comprehend."

Warmth. A flood of reassurance, overwhelming approval and love.

"Will you give it to me? The pain, the sorrow, the heartache. Let me take it."

"If I give it to you, then what will I have? What will I be?"

"You will be left with peace, joy, innocence, a heart that can heal."

"What about the anger, the betrayal?"

"It will be gone if you will give it to me."

"How can I give you the pain if I don't trust him. How can I ever trust him again?"

"Trust me. You only need to trust me, that I can take away the pain and replace it with peace. Trust that I will continue to lead and guide you as I have done from the beginning. Trust that I can and will take this completely from you. Will you give it to me?"

"Yes, Lord. Take the suffocating pain, the searing sorrow, the relentless anger & betrayal. Take it away. Carry my burdens and suffering in the most literal way, that my heart may be light and can bear a song away. Take it - I give it to you."

Gently, wounded Hands lift the heavy burdens from my heart fully, completely. Taking away my ability to sin in this situation through anger, bitterness & inability to forgive. Somehow, miraculously, peace. Sweet reassurance. Resurrection of innocence. Restoration of trust through my ability to trust in Him, to find hope in Him, peace in Him.

'And when I think of God, His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in.
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.'

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