Sunday, December 28, 2008

Insights from Injury

My son got hurt after church today, badly. Blood and screaming and everything. As my husband and I rushed to him, rushed to comfort him, assure and reassure him that everything would be okay and that Dad would take him to the hospital and be right by his side, I kept seeing myself in his eyes. I saw the fear, the pain, the tears, the terror, the uncertainty that he would be able to handle the situation and the future, wondering if he could endure the necessary pain to heal his gaping wound. In my efforts to calm him, I heard the loving voice and felt the tender hand of my Father in Heaven saying the same things to me.

I'm right here.

You will be okay, I promise.

I know it will hurt, but you need to have the wound fixed so it can heal properly.

Don't be scared.

Daddy will right by your side the whole time.

I'm so sorry.

I love you.

Let me hold you.

Let me wipe away your tears.

The Holy Ghost is the comforter. You have the right to have him with you the whole time. Just pray and he will be right there.

It will be okay.

The wound will heal.

It won't hurt forever.

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